
"Unraveling the Health Hazards: The Impact of Stress on Your Well-Being"

“Stress: How It Affects Our Mental Health”: Critical Analysis. Stress has evolved into an uncomfortable everyday companion in our modern environment. Workplace demands, financial concerns, interpersonal conflicts, and even current world events might be the cause. While stress may occasionally be a motivating factor, it can also have serious negative effects on our physical health if it is chronic or overwhelming. The deep impacts of stress on health will be thoroughly examined in this blog, along with stress's sources, consequences, and coping mechanisms. Let's first define stress before discussing its effects on health. The body's natural reaction to difficult circumstances is stress. The body releases stress chemicals like cortisol and adrenaline in response to perceived threats or demands, setting us up for a "fight or flight" reaction. Although this quick reaction is necessary for life, it becomes troublesome when stress becomes uncontrollable and chronic. Str

Technology Advancement, Start of New Era!!

  Technology Advancement, Start Of New Era!! Technology advancement is the process of developing and improving existing technologies to make them more efficient, effective, and useful. The advancement of technology has brought about significant changes in the way people live and work. From the way we communicate to the way we travel, technology has transformed every aspect of our lives. In this essay, we will discuss the impact of technology advancement on society and the various ways it has changed the world. One of the most significant impacts of technology advancement is its effect on communication. With the invention of the internet and smartphones, people can now communicate with each other from anywhere in the world. This has made it easier for businesses to communicate with their customers and for individuals to stay in touch with their friends and family. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have also made it possible for people to share their thoughts,


STATE OF JOURNALIST IN TODAYS ERA Journalists have long looked down on PR, perhaps spurred by bad encounters with PR professionals over the years. While I understand, I don’t share that sentiment. I know plenty of terrific PR experts and have found stories and ideas I would not have otherwise discovered. I’ve done my fair share of PR work and have advised clients on PR strategy time and again. What’s rarely discussed is that journalism has a dark side, too. We’ve seen it many times this year. Certainly, journalists have faced detractors from all corners with claims of biased reporting, ethical misconduct and sensationalism. The dark side of journalism should include five areas that damage the industry needlessly. The first area is “pay-for-play,” when a media outlet expects businesses seeking coverage to pay up front for ads. Most might recognize it by a standard term: extortion. Owners and marketers often don’t realize that this is an unethical practice and not the industry norm. Howe


IMPORTANCE OF JOURNALISM TOWARDS SOCIETY The media  is one of the most powerful estates of society. They are responsible for making or breaking the image of a public persona, and also for making a persona well known to the rest of the world. They are responsible for spreading news fast and accurately to all corners of the world, and for shaping public opinion. Journalism is much more than straightforward reporting; journalists investigate an incident and attempt to uncover hidden truths, if any. In this article, let us see how journalism impacts the individual, and the society at large. News reports are the sole source of information to us most of the time. If it had not been for the constant presence of the media all of the time in every place, we would never get to know about events occurring in different parts of the world. It is thanks to journalism that people in USA are made aware of terror attacks happening in Barcelona, and that overage of concerts happening in a particular reg
            NEGATIVITY You make think that a disease or illness are the reasons for your tired body or prolonged aches, but have you ever thought that thinking negatively could be the reason? Pessimism affects more than just your emotional health. In fact, doctors have found that people with high levels of negativity are more likely to suffer from degenerative brain diseases, cardiovascular problems, digestive issues, and recover from sickness much slower than those with a positive mindset. What Causes Negativity? Negativity is often a product of depression or insecurity. It can stem from illness, life events, personality problems, and substance abuse. Like many things in life, negativity too, can become a habit. Frequent criticism, cynical thoughts, and denial can create neural pathways in the brain that encourage sadness. These negative tendencies can cause our brain to distort the truth and make it even more difficult to break the negative cycle. Luckily, most habits can be broken.
     “ POVERTY  AND  SOCIAL LIFE” Poverty is defined as a condition in which a person or family lacks the financial resources to afford a basic, minimum standard of living. Poor people don’t have adequate income; they can’t afford housing, health facilities and education which is essential for basic survival. So, poverty can be understood simply as a lack of money, or more broadly, barriers to everyday human life.                            Every country has its own measure for poverty. However, a widely recognized authority on the topic of “extreme poverty” is the World Bank. The Bank keeps a metric called the International Poverty Line and, as of 2015, set the definition of extreme poverty as those who live on less than US$1.90 per day. (Those living on between $1.90-$3.10 per day are classified as the “moderate poor.”) This number is based on the monetary value of a person’s consumption rather than income alone.               CAUSES OF POVERTY Poverty is an exceptionally complicated
                Government and its biased laws India regularly gets hauled over the coals for its shabby treatment of women but never gave a thought about women harassing a man? In countries like India the role of gender is very   rigid. This very thing   give’s rise to stereotypes. Men who are facing or have faced domestic   violence   or any kind of violence   are not taken on a serious note. Often when they speak   about their situation no one listens to them, not even the police. Even if their cases are registered ,they don’t get much importance because of   the Government and its Biased laws . According to  Section 498A  of the  Indian Penal Code 1860 , only a man can be held liable for cruelty to his wife. There is no subsection or any provisions given in the statute that will make a woman liable for domestic violence.  Because of the Biased laws in the Indian Penal Statute the end result is always given in the favour of women. Women don’t   need to give any kind of eviden